Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Vote Forys Today!

Punch #4 for Dr. Victor Forys TODAY

March 3, 2009
Dr. Victor Forys for U.S. Congress
Illinois's 5th District Special Election

Call 773-322-8608 to get your polling place location.

Dear Neighbor --

Today we have the opportunity to reach beyond Chicago's political status quo and cast a vote for real reform. Today's Special Election brings us the chance to let the recycled politicians know that our district – our entire state – is ready for real reform.

As a hard-working immigrant, physician, and local small business owner, I will bring to Congress the voices and priorities of our diverse, dedicated community.

As your Congressman, I will fight to help small businesses grow and create more local jobs. And I will work tirelessly to change unfair US immigration laws.

Above all else, my unique experience as an outspoken Patient's Rights advocate and family doctor will help win the fight for decent health care for every American.

But I can't make things better without your help.
I need you to take some time out of your day today and vote for me, Dr. Victor Forys for U.S. Congress.

Help send Congress a Prescription for Reform!

Thank you,

Dr. Victor Forys